
Stonewall & Barclays: Rainbow Laces

Creating a new identity for Rainbow Laces and for the collective that is Team Pride.

Stonewall were looking to refresh their branding for the Rainbow Laces initiative which empowers sportspeople to wear LGBTQ+ coloured laces. The laces themselves come in various patterns and colours, representing different people from the LBGTQ+ community. The logo for Rainbow Laces needed to adapt and change to match the different types of laces for each subset in the community.

Team Pride is a collective of big brands working together to support Rainbow Laces and Stonewall. Their logo needed to feel part of the wider initiative but also have it’s own brand.

The design challenge here was to create a contemporary, inclusive set of logos. Design that can adapt and change for different communities. Also using the Stonewall fonts in interesting ways to create a more contemporary aesthetic.

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